Thursday 28 June 2012

List of Reasons Why Japanese Fans Lose Interest in Anime

Dr. Nishii, a psychiatrist who is known for analysing the interaction between people and anime, has discovered eleven reasons why people may have lost interest in anime titles by talking to anime fans.
1. It's difficult to watch when the rival is such a nasty character.
2. The rival's death can make you lose interest in the story.
3. A substantial change in design makes a character no longer your favorite.
4. Interest in a title during debut can change when it becomes a major work.
5. There is a lack of promotion, so fans forget that it's there.
6. Abrupt endings...
7. Not enough merchandise.
8. Lack of fan-made work.
9. A fan's favorite character changes his/her personality.
10. Interests start to change.
11. Fans become too busy to watch anything.
These reasons probably apply to the majority of non-Japanese fans but if I were to add an extra reason it would be cliche storylines - it becomes less interesting because you know what is going to happen.
Can you relate to these reasons or do you have some of your own?

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