Tuesday 5 June 2012

Horcrux ( History, Stories, Profiles )

Horcruxes are objects to hide parts of the soul of a witch destined for immortality. Creating a Horcrux is a Dark Magic for violating the law and morality. In addition, to make a Horcrux requires casualties of life. Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul. But just Voldemort who created more than one.

1. Diary of Tom Riddle Sr.
    Hidden Places : Saved by Lucius Malfoy and Ginny Weasley
    Scapegoat : Moaning Myrtle
    Destroyed by : Harry James Potter
    Method of Destruction : Basilisk fangs
    Destruction of Place : Chamber of Secrets

2. Ring of Marvolo Gaunt
    Hidden places : Gaunt Shack
    Scapegoat : Tom Riddle Sr.
    Destroyed by : Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    Method of Destruction : Sword of Godric Gryffindor
    Destruction of Place : Office of the Principal

3. Necklace / Pendulum Salazar Slytherin
    Hidden Places : Horcrux Cave12 Grimmauld Place à Mundungus Fletcher Dolores Jane Umbridge
    Scapegoat : Muggle
    Destroyed by : Ronald Weasley Billius
    Method of Destruction : Sword of Godric Gryffindor
    Destruction of places : Forest of Dean

4. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
    Hidden Places : Safety Deposit Lestrange vault in Gringotts
    Scapegoat : Hepzibah Smith
    Crushed By : Jane Hermione (Granger) Weasley
    Method of destruction : Basilisk fangs
    Destruction of Place : Chamber of Secret

5. Rowena Ravenclaw's crown
    Hidden Places : Needs room
    Scapegoat : Farmer Albania
    Crushed By Vicent Crabbe (Fiendfyre : Not on purpose)
    Method of Destruction : Mantra Fiendfyre lost control
    Destruction of Place : Room of Requirement

6. Harry Potter
    Hidden Places : Accidentally in Harry's body during the night the murder of his parents
    Scapegoat : James Potter, Lily (Evans) Potter
    Crushed By : Lord Voldemort
    Method of Destruction : Avada Kedavra
    Place of Destruction : The forbidden forest

7. Nagini
    Hidden Places : Always beside Lord Voldemort
    Scapegoat : Bertha Jorkins (Minister of Magic Age of Jebot)
    Crushed By : Neville Longbottom
    Method of Destruction : Godric Gryffindor
    Destruction of Place : Gate of Hogwarts

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