Saturday 9 June 2012

M.I.B discuss how they’ve developed as a hip hop group since their debut

Hip hop group M.I.B is back with their latest album ‘Illusion‘ and a new contrast in style from their debut track, “G.D.M.“.
By combining modern melodies and dramatic raps, the group has switched from a rebellious debut image to that of a smoother one that’s already catching a lot of eyes.
Member Cream expressed, “We put our focus on conversing with the public through our emotions this time. By emphasizing Kangnam hyung’s vocals, we added some pop elements that I trust will allow us to get closer to the public and form the path we’ll be walking down in the future. In the beginning, we were focused on making our own music and showing that to the public, but this time, we’re taking in the feedback of the people around us.”
The members revealed that their mindsets have changed with their comeback. Although they debuted as a free-spirited hip hop group, they began to realize the importance of working with the public in developing their style.
5ZiC stated, “We wanted the public to let us approach them more comfortably. By switching our song title from English to Korean and by taking off my sunglasses and revealing my face, we wanted to just approach everyone comfortably. The members have all lost weight and gotten cooler looking, not that we still don’t look a bit countrified now. We do feel like we’ve gotten cooler compared to our first album, though.”

Although they’re just six months into their debut, the group went through a difficult April with the death of their stylists from a dorm fire the day of their comeback for “Celebrate“. The boys canceled their comeback stage and set aside promotions for “Celebrate”.
Kangnam stated, “The four of us had a really rough time. I never listened to ‘Celebrate’ again after what had happened. It’s a really great song, but I just couldn’t bring myself to listen to it again. I’m sure the other members feel the same way.”
The group buried the song deep in their hearts along with their sorrow over the loss of their stylists, but kept moving forward to show maturity and improvement with their next work.
5ZiC concluded, “I think we’ve lost a lot of the awkwardness on our stage now. We’ll work hard until our fans think it’s perfect.”

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